Sunday 13 February 2011

Getting around the motions?

Going through the motions is basically playing 'pretend'; or for you Christian know it all's, legalism. And for you not-know- it-all's; religion. Believe it or not, Jesus came to save the world from religion - I have to add this somewhere - ' Religion is dead, Jesus nailed it'  Boo yar? Hell's yeah!

Unfortunately nobody is perfect, and I for one REALLY struggle with playing pretend, to the extent of a wing nut really. I'm insane, but there we go, God loves the useless, so I'm in a good place.

A word of knowledge:

Towards the beginning of January 2011 I received a word of knowledge - this is where some stranger comes and tells you about your life - sometimes vague, sometimes wrong, but this time detailed and very accurate (though not 100%); it's scary having people know you like that!

Anyway here's a little snippet from 'the bloke that spoke' as I have named that particular conversation in my life:

Bloke: There was some sort of  horror film that has 'scarred you for life'
Moi: Not horror by genre but by my standards yes, The Trueman show (Though I didn't think of this till later)
Bloke: Well, it and other things have left you feeling badly cracked or broken
Moi: *nods*
and so on...

The bloke that spoke - who's name is Rich btw, but Bloke seems better as I met a different Rich whilst's just easier this way; - well, he then told me what the next chapter of life had in store for me. He explained that I am currently in a transitional stage,  not feeling great, but progress is coming, it's a long haul of a journey, but it heads upward; and I have to say there have been times since then where I've never felt better, literally like I'm on the mend; but also that there have been times where I haven't felt worse, I even doubted god for the first time ever as a Christian... roller coaster doesn't even cover it. Moving boulders up and down mountains might though; or even just 'tiring'. Anyway that's pretty much that conversation covered.

So there we go; I just want to have a little journal of this 'transitional stage'; if it's anything like my previous blog, then the whole thing is doomed to neglect. People could legally stop me from having children with that poor thing...

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